Later Life Financial Advice in Taunton Somerset Devon Bristol Bath Wiltshire London - GL Integrity Financial Planning Ltd

Company:GL Integrity Financial Planning Ltd
Category:Later life Specialist
Address:6 Queen Square
Telephone:0117 457 1660
Mobile:07879 812112
Email: Send me an email

Business Description

Why we do what we do

We believe that the real truth about money is that “life is not a rehearsal”.

It’s about a purpose, not the purse. It’s the number of stories, not just a story about numbers. Indeed, we believe that “Do you have enough money?” while important, is, at best, a tertiary question. The most important question is “Are you managing your money in a way that improves your life?”

Therefore, we believe in inspiring people to do the things that inspire them, to do what supports the things that inspire them and to avoid what does not support the things that inspire them.

If the people who cross our path share that belief, we can do our best work for them. We want to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them on this journey.

Who we do it for

We do our most vital work with people going through life transitions creating vulnerability e.g. the elderly, bereaved, those in relationship breakdown, injury, serious illness, cognitive impairment (advice to them and fiduciaries i.e. attorneys and deputies).

What we do

We give people confidence and certainty with specialist financial planning advice in relation to these life transitions and, if needing long-term or later life care support, preparing and paying for care in all care settings so they keep their dignity and independence and won't run out of money.

As part of the journey, we walk people through the complexity of the social care system, needs assessments and financial assessments (capital and income treatment). This includes Continuing Health Care (CHC), Funded Nursing Care (FNC), Deferred Payment Agreements (DPAs), Capital & Income Disregards, Deprivation of assets and Non-means tested and means tested benefits entitlements as part of funding.

The advice is independent, impartial and free from conflicts of interest.

Our Team

View Andrew Stinchcomb profile Andrew Stinchcomb
Later life Specialist
0117 457 1660
07879 812112